Income Tax

Focus Partners is a registered tax agent. All of our accounting staff are qualified, and have many years of experience preparing all types of income tax returns.

Prior to the end of the year, a review of how your business is faring could be the difference between paying the optimal, legal amount or paying more than necessary. We have strategies that can help you to optimise your taxation position.

  • Taxation Return Checklist: We will provide an appropriate checklist of records, documentation and information required for the preparation of your tax return.
  • Tax Return Preparation: We will accurately prepare your tax return to ensure all income is properly disclosed and your entitlements are captured.
  • Tax Return Lodgement: We will ensure that your tax return is lodged by its due date and processed as quickly as possible.
  • Assessment Review: Before we forward it to you, your assessment will be reviewed by us to ensure that all calculations are correct.
  • New Client Tax Return Review: We will conduct a thorough review of the accuracy of your prior income tax returns, ensuring appropriate disclosure and compliance with the law.

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